10 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund in a Car Tune Up

  • Feb 5,2018
10 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund in a Car Tune Up 10 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund in a Car Tune Up

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Okay, maybe not the most wonderful – but tax refund season is definitely up there. You could spend your tax refund on a newfangled gadget or purse—or you could put your money toward something that will reward you for much longer—like car care! Here are TEN important reasons to invest your tax refund in a car tune-up. If it feels like your refund is burning a hole in your pocket, make sure to read this before you head out to shop!

#1: You’ll extend the lifespan of your vehicle.

Buying a vehicle is a huge investment. Regular tune-ups can help your car last 200,000 miles and beyond. If you neglect routine maintenance or let small problems grow, your car simply won't last. Routine tune-ups will help keep your engine in tip-top shape, meaning it’ll drive better, longer.

#2: You're less likely to break down on the side of the road.

Breaking down is inconvenient, but it can be dangerous as well. With regular vehicle inspections and car tune-ups, you’ll be able to catch little things before they become big things –like breakdown level big things. Experienced technicians will identify any potential problems in the engine or worn parts that need replacing. Fix small problems ASAP and you’ll be much less likely to end up stranded with a car that's DOA.

#3: You’ll get the best performance from your vehicle.

The better you treat your car, the better it will treat you. After a car tune-up, your engine will start easier and run more smoothly, resulting in an overall better driving experience. What’s more valuable than that?

#4: You'll increase your fuel economy.

Some tune-up services include a fuel system cleaning that restores fuel system performance and removes carbon deposits on the vehicle's fuel injectors. The result? An engine that works more efficiently and delivers improved fuel economy. Luckily for you, this means less money spent at the gas pump and more in your pocket. Cha-ching!

#5: It’s better for the earth.

A well-maintained car emits less toxic fumes than a car in need of maintenance or repairs. If you’re concerned about your carbon footprint, getting a car tune-up can help reduce your emissions and minimize your footprint. Looking out for our planet is a win-win!

#6: A car that has been well maintained could have a higher resale value.

Most drivers eventually end up selling their vehicle. If that’s your plan too, keeping your vehicle well maintained and investing in regular tune-ups could increase your payout in the end. Think of a car tune-up as a small investment now for a big return later.

#7: You can work a tune-up into your schedule.

Car problems always seem to arise on the days when you really need your car! Schedule a tune-up at a time that’s convenient for you to better avoid potentially schedule-wrecking problems in the future.

#8: Not all car problems are obvious!

Many people wait until there is a dashboard light, a weird smell, or an odd noise to head to the nearest auto repair shop. That’s too late! Even when your car seems like it’s running fine, there may be a hidden problem. There are plenty of red flags that you’d never notice without getting under the hood, like timing belt wear or slow oil leaks.

#9: A car is likely the most important thing you own.

Most of us don't realize how valuable our car is until it doesn't work. Could you go a day without your car? Odds are you won't find anything of equal value at the mall.

#10: Your safety is priceless.

Dead car batteries. Tire blowouts. Smoke coming from your engine. Car problems can put you at risk on the road. At Firestone Complete Auto Care, we believe there's nothing more important than your personal safety and well-being, and that’s why investing in a safe, reliable car is the best investment you can make.

Rich White, the executive director of the Car Care Council, puts it best:

“According to the Internal Revenue Service, the average tax refund is over $3,100. By simply allocating a portion to vehicle maintenance and service, you will realize big dividends in the form of safety and dependability.”

What are you waiting for? Make an appointment at your local Firestone Complete Auto Care for handcrafted service that's sure to make you and your car feel like a million bucks.

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